High Street, Battle TN33 0AD,England

A battlefield which brings history alive – Reviewed 8 January 2013

Battle is a village north of the town of Hastings. In the village is Battle Abbey, built on the site where William of Normandy and his French army defeated the English army of King Harold in 1066. English Heritage owns and maintains the site and provides a useful audio-guide. Visitors can walk along a path around the battle field or a shorter loop around the Abbey built on the site commemorating the English soldiers who died. King Harold is buried at the site. Several of the buildings are in good repair and in use including the large gatehouse and abbey buildings. The abbey church stonework remains but the roof is gone.
The field of battle is quite small, a typical green grassy field. Leading upwards from this is a small hill where the English army assembled for the battle.
During the battle, a section of the French troops was overwhelmed, fell back from their battle line and were purseud by the English. William of Normandy saw this and in a shrewd manoeuver asked another setion of his troops to fall back, drawing the English from their ranks. The English moved forward, as predicted and the French tropps surrounded them and killed hundreds of troops.
Arrows from the French lines also injured and killed the English troops, one of these famously hitting King Harold in the eye.
Harold died and William of Normandy became the first King William of England. Visited January 2013


  • A battlefield which brings history alive 80%